Disclosure Quest

screenshot of the homepage of Disclosure Quest


The owner of a leading news and information website covering disruptive finance came to us with the idea of making an easy and intuitive way to search through documents filed with the SEC.

With the client in a different location, all of our communication was remote. We were able to leverage an online collaborative service to manage our product, continuously giving insight into the work being completed.

We were able to build a "serverless" application utilizing AWS managed services to provide a reliable and scalable service that imports information from the SEC, parses / transforms content, and allow users to quickly and easily search Form D and Reg A filings through a lightweight web interface.


Our Work

  • Node.js
  • AWS Lambda Functions
  • Elasticsearch DB
  • User Experience Design
  • Logo/Branding

In order to decrease the long-term maintenance effort required to continue the application, we leveraged managed AWS services for their reliability and ease of use.

The entire system easily be be paused if desired and the services we chose allow the software to dynamically handle the manipulation of data and to scale up easily if needed.

screenshot of example Disclosure Quest search results


We leveraged many AWS services to make the back-end of the application functional. AWS Lambda runs the part of the application that gathers, parses, and transforms data from the SEC made available through their EDGAR program. The data is then pushed into a hosted Elasticsearch database for persistent storage. Cloudwatch is used to monitor the different parts and pieces.

The front-end of the application is a Node.js application using the Koa web framework and being served through nginx. It is a responsive website that gets data from the Elasticsearch database through secure AWS calls.